Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting to the "Make It or Break It" Line

So, I did a dance of joy yesterday morning when I got on the scale and was down another three pounds! That makes it a total of 28 pounds I've lost since the middle of August!

Usually I plateau at 30 pounds then end up backsliding. I've got two more pounds to go till I hit 30 pounds lost and I am going to do my damnest to break that 30 line and keep going.

I've been taking a spinning (exercise bike) class on Mondays, yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays and trying to treadmill on the "off" days. I haven't gotten much swimming in lately but I think I'm going to try to do that on the weekends with my work schedule the way it is unless something changes.

In the meantime though, I've signed up for a personal trainer! I have my first session today and I'm trying to schedule her for Wednesdays and Fridays which would give me at least five straight days of some form of organized exercise! I am nervous about it, but I know it is the right thing to do. I need to start weight training so I can firm everything up and I want some one to show me the "proper" form. I am worried I look horrible in front of all the "already thing" exercise junkies at the gym, but I keep telling myself that "Rome wasn't built in a day" (of course, I also try not to think about the fact that "Rome also burned down") and a little embarrassment is worth it if I get the results I want in the long run.

I keep telling myself that 38 is still young and that I should want to be fit, healthy, and try to look prettier for not only myself but others. I keep thinking that my new RE appointment is in March and that 28 pounds is no mean feet in two months and at this rate I could lose another 60 pounds by March if I keep it up and don't plateau too much. That would put me not back at the weight my BMI rating says I should be, but it would definitely give me a healthier BMI to show the doctor and the weight lost would make it easier for me to hopefully support IVF and hopefully make it "stick".

So, while a very nervous me grabs my gym togs to take to work today, I know in my heart I am doing the right thing. That I am shaking off this "no baby" depression and doing something positive for myself (even if I know I'll look like a cow this afternoon at the gym)!

"Mooving" right along towards a healthy me! I'll let you know how horrid it was tonight!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

In Limbo

Sorry, it's been awhile since I posted. I meant to write more, but I've had a personal issue going on for about 1 1/2 months and it has been really distracting. I don't know what I am going to do, but it's something I really need to deal with just so I can move on and get back to concentrating on getting pregnant.

In the meantime, I have lost a total of 25 pounds since the end of August. That's pretty awesome for me! I am really starting to embrace the treadmill. I'm back to spinning class and yoga class and I am starting weight training with a personal trainer next week.

Even though my clothes are getting a lot baggier, I'm not going to buy any new pants until I have dropped at least 2 sizes, so that will take a little longer to achieve, but I don't want to get a bunch of new clothes, then gain the weight back, so I figure if I can go down 2 sizes, that will deserve some new pants for work!

So, I'm trying to keep up the exercise and watch what I eat. If I could just get down another 10 pounds I think I could get into some new pants!

I'll keep you posted!