Saturday, October 29, 2011

New Addition

No, I'm not pregnant (darn) and we are not fostering (darn) and I haven't adopted (darn) 21 year old nephew is now living with us! 15 years of marriage and no kids and suddenly I am living with a 51 year old husband (yes, my husband is 10 years older than me and set in his ways thus part of the frustration with not adopting or fostering--can't convince him it would be awesome for us, not that he wouldn't, but he's not that motivated when it comes to anything too difficult, like I said set in his ways) and now I have a 21 year old man/boy living here too. Trying to find a balance--I'm just the aunt, not the mom (my sister/his mom passed away 8 years ago) but he needs guidance and support so that's my story. It's new, it's different, it's only been a week! I know I like having a "kid" (or at least another person) in the house, but we'll see how it goes and hopefully I can give the boy some much needed love and guidance as we try to get him into community college and working towards some kind of degree/career so he has some direction in life. I'll keep you posted with updates!
P.S. For you crafters/knitters out there I added a new button for "Craftlit" a cool podcast/website that talks about crafting/knitting and she reads from classic works of literature...up this month for Halloween..."Dracula"'s fun to listen to..try it!

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